Limestone9 Consulting as built and or maintains over 100 Weebly & WIX developed websites.
Note that we previously relied on Weebly as our go-to editor tool. However, with Weebly's recent buyout by SquareSpace, we now exclusively utilize the WIX editor.
What website developing tool does Limestone9 Consulting use to build websites? We use WIX.
About theWIX.comsite editor... WIX provides a wealth of development tools and substantial layout options.
WIX provides a template-driven, drag and drop content building system.
What does “cloud” mean? For building and editing purposes, the WIX site development editor is provided through the internet only. WIX sites can be accessed, built and maintained from any location with any computer via an internet connection, a User Name and Password. – A special program installed into one’s computer is not needed.
WIX provides different account types, including one that is FREE with limited tools and capabilities. To gain full access to all development tools, and to use your own domain name, a paid for account must be established.
Price - WIX's mid-level account, which is sufficient for most users, is approximately $240 for 2 year plans.
Site Hosting is included with WIX.
WIX accounts are set up and paid online with a credit card. NOTE that this is separate from purchasing or renewing a Domain Name. (a domain name purchased through will cost around $23 annually; if needed, LS9 can assist you.)
Can I make edits and or do maintenance work on my site? Yes, you can, depending on how comfortable you are with development processes, how much expendable time you have, and your willingness to learn. There will be a learning curve in regard to the quirks, short cuts and tool processes that must be grasped and an understanding of content layout appropriate to your site.
LS9 does provided maintenance services and updating for the majority of clients for an agreed upon rate. But, we do support and assist those that want to learn the process themselves.